
About Us

Wirefly is a small motley crew of collaborators that has been around for over a decade.

The core is a family affair (literally), with a wider network of friends and collegues that pile on as needed.

We're a relaxed, easy going group who mostly run Wirefly as an antidote to how mercenary so many small software development firms operate.

Below is an overview of the current team, such as it is.

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Product: Byron


With many years of grim experience at the Product mines, Byron deals with the front side of the business.

He looks after the product and UI side of the company, turning client and user needs into lists of features and user experiences.

When not slaving over a hot keyboard, he can be found doing something ill advised with power tools in a shed.

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Engineering: Kim


Kim has been engineering for longer than most coding languages have existed. He's also learnt some stuff along the way to make that a meaningful accomplishment.

He looks after all the engineering pursuits at Wirefly, making sure client software features work and all the plumbing stays working.

Outside of work Kim enjoys swimming in frozen lakes in the middle of winter. Horrible.

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Extended Resources


Like a nerdy A-Team, Wirefly has a wide cast of resources to deploy as needed.

Whether you need an app developer, a sales resource, or someone to overhaul your entire IT infrastructure, we've got them in the wings.

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Get In Touch!


We're happy to chat to anyone, even if they're not sure what they want.